Wiwoʻole Housing Project
Wiwoʻole Housing
YWCA Kauaʻi is proud to announce the launch of the Wiwoʻole (Courage) Bridge Housing Program. The program name references the immense courage it takes to overcome the challenges residents may face as they seek safety and well-being for themselves and their families. The program will be culturally appropriate and based on the principles of the evidence-based Housing First model that prioritizes housing that is linked to appropriate services.
The Need
It has been a long-term goal for YWCA Kaua`i to start a bridge housing program for the survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Housing has become a critical issue as the cost of renting and buying soars and the availability of housing units is so limited. The team at the YWCA Family Violence Shelter know firsthand that obtaining housing has become one of the most challenging obstacles for DV survivors who are committed to creating new lives free from violence and abuse for themselves and their children. Without housing options, shelter residents may be forced to stay longer or end up camping on the beach, living in their vehicles or returning to the abusive partner. The YWCA Board and staff are very excited for this unique opportunity to make bridge housing a reality and help clients with this next step in their healing journey.
In December 2023, the agency was contacted by some of our generous supporters alerting us to the fact the property next to the YWCA offices was listed for sale. The YWCA has signed a lease in early February 2024 for the property, which has the potential for residential units of various sizes for bridge housing. The YWCA is now seeking $1.6 million in resources to purchase the property and to assist with the renovation/repair costs.
This project is designed to be self-perpetuating far into the future. Until we are able to purchase the property, rent collected for occupied units will be allocated toward lease payments. The units will be available for renters to utilize HUD assistance. The YWCA Kaua`i does not anticipate difficulty keeping the units occupied and generating funds for the perpetuity of the program.
Program Services:
Program services will be based on the “Housing First” approach of providing housing followed by wrap around services for the client. This approach is evidence based and is a proven successful model for individuals who are dealing with past trauma. Once program staff is in place, residents will have additional on-site resources and services. Residents will be required to participate in appropriate services that meet their individual needs throughout their residency.
Services that will be available:
Case Management
Financial Empowerment Education
Support Groups
Duration of participation in the program is projected to be 12 months. The goal of moving residents to long term housing is priority but will be dependent upon available housing market.
Mahalo to all of our Donors!
Mahalo to all of our Donors!
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Captain Andys
Carol Lee Arnold
Cheryle Kelley
Chicago Partners Wealth Advisors
Claudia Janiszewski
Diane Pavao
Dinah Chao
Edward Jones Charitable Gift Fund
Felicia Cowden
Hawaii Community Foundation
Jenny Johnson
Joanna Fasso
Kaye Leonard
Kipukai Kualii
Laura Andersland
Marisla Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation
Mehana Vaughan
Mia Carroll
Michael Davvy
Nancy Williams
Patricia Griffin
Reale Kim
Regina Carvalho
Robert Lansdell
Ronnie Grover
Sanna Tabatabai-Irani
Schwab Charitable
Stephen Perry
The Donald C McGraw Foundation
Tommy Noyes
United Charitable
Yazdanyar Law Offices, Inc
Zonta Club of Hanalei Foundation
Help us reach our $100K match!
As of September 25, 2024 we are at $87,253.85!
The Hawai`i Community Foundation through their Kōkua Fund will match $1 for $1 donations up to $100,000. These donations will go to all facets of this project.