Prevention Education & Community Outreach
School Based Education & Prevention Services
The YWCA Prevention Education Team is available to make presentations to students at all education levels, from preschool to university. Topics for young children include information on safe and unsafe touch/talk, safety rules, boundaries, and where to find help. Presentations for older students include topics on understanding healthy relationships, the dynamics of interpersonal violence and sexual assault, bystander intervention, and accessing resources for survivors.
The Prevention Team uses a curricula developed specifically for Hawaii students that is culturally aware and age appropriate. This curricula has been used across the state for over a decade and meets several of Hawaii’s Health Education Standards. Presentations are offered to schools at no charge.
Curriculum Descriptions:
K - 2nd Grade
My Body is Special
Students learn rules to help protect themselves from unsafe situations and touches. They also learn body safety concepts and to tell a trusted grown-up if unsafe touching happens to them.
3rd - 5th Grade
My Body, My Boundaries
Students learn how to recognize and respond to unsafe, or sexually abusive behaviors (referred to as unwanted talking, showing, and touching of private parts). They also learn how to identify and respect personal boundaries, how to stay safe from internet predators, trusting their intuition, and telling a trusted adult when they feel unsafe.
6th - 8th Grade
This social-emotional learning curriculum teaches students tools to keep themselves and others safe while promoting respectful relationships. Four lessons set clear definitions of sexual violence, bullying, harassment, and methods of prevention. Students also learn how to respect boundaries and how to stay safe online.
9th - 12th Grade
Students learn how to recognize and respond appropriately and safely to sexual violence. They will reflect on their behaviors, learn how to respect other’s personal boundaries, and avoid behaving in disrespectful and sexually abusive ways. Students will also learn how to reduce their risk of victimization, how to help peers in unhealthy relationships, and the importance of healthy, respectful relationships.
(The) Educators were great! Learners were engaged and respectful, which shows that they appreciated learning how to stay safe. I really appreciate the YWCA for offering this curriculum to schools. I think all students across the U.S. should have to do this.
-Alaka'i O Kaua'i Charter School 4th Grade Teacher
Request Community Based Presentations & Trainings
Is your community group interested in a presentation or training on topics related to domestic violence or sexual assault? Our staff has provided education and training to diverse audiences, including community clubs, PTA groups, churches, corporations, police departments, and educator groups. We will tailor our presentation to meet your needs.
Please contact Director of Prevention, Matthew Houck, for more information —email matthew@ywcakauai.org or call (808) 245-5959 x256.
Other Prevention Education Resources: